Combined heat and power system H2PS-5

The combined heat and power system H2PS-5 enables the local production of power and heat from biogas, natural gas or liquid gas through an intermediate production of hydrogen. It can be used for small buildings and companies, as well as for villages and temporary facilities such as field hospitals, refugee camps etc. in areas without electricity. The innovative technology is reflected in the modern appearance and the modern operation via a touchscreen.

Business:Home Technology
Customer:Metacon AB

Mobility Stations Düsseldorf

The CMD Düsseldorf is working to promote the transport turnaround in Düsseldorf. Over the next few years, 100 mobility stations are to be built in Düsseldorf. We have designed the modules, developed a modular module catalog and are providing support in the planning of the stations and the development of new innovative mobility offers. Green roofs, solar panels and climate-friendly building materials make the stations particularly environmentally friendly. Topics such as the quality of stay, accessibility and redesign in terms of traffic safety also have a high priority.

Customer:Connected Mobility Düsseldorf GmbH

Equipment elements for picnic sites in the Münsterland

To strengthen tourism and the identity of the castle and palace region of Münsterland and to contribute to successful regional development, picnic sites for citizens and visitors are being set up in the Münsterland. With barrier-free equipment elements from a modular system, every picnic site can be equipped according to its nature and special requirements. Inviting places are created that make the picnic an experience for everybody. The chosen design language with its distinctive slanted profiles, reflects the core values of the Münsterland: energetic, ambitious and judicious. The closeness to nature is expressed in the choice of warm wood.

Customer:Münsterland e.V.