Mobile urban gardens for Osnabrück

To improve the quality of stay in public spaces and the microclimate, the mobile urban gardens were developed for the city of Osnabrück. The modular system consists of various seating options and plantable modules, that can be configurated as needed. This creates resting areas and meeting places for the neighbourhood, that are tailored to the location. The urban gardens are used on parking lots for a fixed period of time, before they are permanently unsealed and the modules are relocated. Thanks to their clear and timeless design, they fit perfectly into the cityscape of Osnabrück.

Customer:Stadt Osnabrück

Equipment elements for picnic sites in the Münsterland

To strengthen tourism and the identity of the castle and palace region of Münsterland and to contribute to successful regional development, picnic sites for citizens and visitors are being set up in the Münsterland. With barrier-free equipment elements from a modular system, every picnic site can be equipped according to its nature and special requirements. Inviting places are created that make the picnic an experience for everybody. The chosen design language with its distinctive slanted profiles, reflects the core values of the Münsterland: energetic, ambitious and judicious. The closeness to nature is expressed in the choice of warm wood.

Customer:Münsterland e.V.

Berlin TXL – Style guide for urban furnishing and infrastructure facilities

Following the closure of Berlin-Tegel Airport, a research and industrial park for urban technologies is being built on part of the premises – the URBAN TECH REPUBLIC. As part of the planning team, we developed a style guide for technical and non-technical furnishing and infrastructure facilities in public spaces. We designed a structure that will be used on various elements in the public space and defined guidelines for the use of materials, colors and shapes. The specific characteristics of the new research an industrial park are reflected in the furnishing and the infrastructure elements. A visual cohesion of the premises and a high quality of stay in the public space will be created.

Customer:Tegel Projekt GmbH

Energy center Hanau

Heart of the energy center in the newly created Pioneer Park in Hanau are three powerful cogeneration units. Combined with two peak load boilers they are generating electricity and heat while burning certified CO2 neutral natural gas. The innovation and sustainability of the energy generation are reflected in a delicate and vivid wooden lamellar structure. The chosen design of the facade establishes a connection to the mobility offers in the neighborhood, that are energized by the generated energy. A big LED screen serves as an interaction area to the residents of the neighborhood.
